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Another build idea from Robocop!

Updated: Jun 23, 2019

After sitting down for the evening to watch Robocop (the original version of course), I noticed a car that was featured pretty heavily at the end of the movie. A very modified 1977 Oldsmobile Cutlass Supreme with what looks like a big air vent or intake at the front with a crazy rear in which the bad guys made their escape in! With my plans to build Robocop's police car in the near future anyway, I might of found a car to sit next to it on display and make it a sort of set 👍😃 I'll need to find a 1970's Oldsmobile Cutlass in 1/24 or 1/25 scale and modify the hell out of it to get the right look, but it's an idea I'll think more on later! 👍

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